Required Paperwork for a Chapter 7
You have probably heard that there is a lot of paperwork that is required to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Bankruptcy law requires debtors to make full and complete financial disclosures. This means that you must list all of your assets, debts, income and expenses. Your lawyer at Nielsen Law Group will assist you with preparing the necessary pleadings, but it is critical that you provide your attorney with all of your financial information. Below is a list of the initial pleadings that are required when you file a Chapter 7 case:
- the bankruptcy petition
- a certification that you have completed the necessary pre-filing credit counseling course
- a list of all your property and assets including any exemptions claimed in the property
- a list of all your debts
- a list of all your creditors (called the “creditor matrix”)
- a list of your current income and expenses
- a statement of your financial affairs
- copies of your paystubs received in the 60 days prior to filing
- a confidential statement verifying your social security number to the court
- your completed “means test” analysis
- a certificate from your lawyer confirming that you were provided (i) a notice describing the various chapters of bankruptcy, (ii) a notice outlining the services available from the credit counseling agencies, and (ii) a statement specifying that anyone who knowingly or fraudulently conceals assets or makes a false statement under oath is subject to fine, imprisonment, or both.
The above pleadings are commonly referred to together as your “Petition, Schedules and Statement of Financial Affairs.” We will take the financial information you provide to us and prepare each of the pleadings listed above. It is your obligation to read over them and verify that they are true and correct. In fact, when you sign these documents and file them with the bankruptcy court, it is done under the penalty of perjury.
Contact a seasoned personal bankruptcy attorney at Nielsen Law Group for help with all Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 matters. You can schedule your initial consultation by calling (480) 888-7111 or submitting a web request here.