When most people think about the kinds of issues that can arise with paying taxes, being unable to pay the amount due or being the subject of an audit most frequently come to mind. […]
From the audit Tag

The end of the year seems to be the busiest time for most Americans. After Thanksgiving ends, the Christmas and Hanukah holidays begin and before you know it a new year has started. At […]

Now days, there’s a “best of” list of almost everything under the sun. You can find a majority of these best-of lists online and use them to research which minivan on the market meets […]

You’ve been the subject of an IRS audit. The result was not favorable to you. Do you want to appeal the examiner’s opinion? Prior to September 2, 2014, appealing the result of an audit […]

Don’t pay more in taxes simply because you cannot find all the receipts to prove your allowable deductions on your tax return, or open yourself up to an IRS audit because you move forward […]