The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (which has a new, really long name, so we’re sticking to the old one for now) has now passed Congress and been signed by the President. Some of […]
From the December, 2017
It’s now official – the Tax Reform bill has now cleared both the House and the Senate (and the House again) and is headed to President Trump’s desk for signing. Pres. Trump just held […]
The Senate has now passed the most recent version of the Tax Bill BUT had to make a few small adjustments in order to comply with the procedural requirements of the Senate. So…the House […]

We heard last week that the max personal tax category would be 37%. We now have info on all the personal tax categories along with a few more details. One more committee review then […]

The Internal Revenue Service selected Evan A. Nielsen of Nielsen Law Group as an alternate on the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP). As defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the TAP is a Federal […]

As the House and Senate work feverishly to combine the two versions of the new tax legislation, we’re working to shape tax strategies that make sense for our clients as the year-end approaches. Since […]

The Senate passed the Tax Bill at 2am Saturday morning (Dec 2, 2017). Next step is negotiators from the House and Senate work to reconcile their bills, then it goes to the President for […]