Shortly after achieving some success, business owners turn their attention to protecting their home, investments and business interests. Having a startup with no value didn’t require any protection, but being out there in the […]
From the asset protection Tag

As part of the federal legal scheme to encourage workers to save for retirement, The Employee Retirement Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) provides asset protection for certain qualified retirement plans by preventing the execution […]

You’ve probably heard the term and maybe even wondered if it would be worth looking into. But then dismissed it thinking it would be too expensive – that’s why only the rich folks do […]

The revocable trust is a strange bird: in preparing an asset protection plan we often speak of this type of trust as the foundation of the plan but the trust itself has no asset […]

Community Debts – The Common rule The power of one spouse to make the marital community liable for a debt or contract is called the power to bind. Generally, each spouse individually has the […]