One of the fundamental concepts of a trust is control; control over how the trust assets are used and for what purpose. But no control can be exercised unless assets are transferred to the […]
From the estate planning Tag

Life insurance is a wonderful tool to provide income security for the insured’s dependents and to provide liquidity essential for payment of estate taxes or equalization of distributions to heirs of the estate. But […]
In prior posts we covered some of the differences between trusts and wills and why trusts are generally preferred. One important reason that deserves special attention is owning property in multiple states. You now […]

In a previous post we covered a method available to transfer real property without probate called the Arizona Beneficiary Deed. The purpose of the beneficiary deed is to allow the owner to retain control […]

When a person’s estate is not very large, a few thousand dollars of attorney’s fees and court costs for probate proceedings can significantly reduce the proceeds to be distributed to heirs. But not every […]

The revocable trust is a strange bird: in preparing an asset protection plan we often speak of this type of trust as the foundation of the plan but the trust itself has no asset […]

Congress passed the Patient Self-Determination Act in 1990 which made it clear that an individual’s express wishes regarding medical decisions were to be respected by health care providers. This included the right to record […]

Common and written laws that control division of a decedent’s estate go back thousands of years. More recently in our nation’s history, legislatures across the country have tried to establish a default pattern of […]

During your lifetime you (and your spouse) typically remain in control of your trust assets and live just as if the trust did not exist at all; you remain in control of your assets […]