You have probably heard that there is a lot of paperwork that is required to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Bankruptcy law requires debtors to make full and complete financial disclosures. This means that […]
From the Chapter 7 Tag

Anyone who has faced a serious illness or who has been involved in a traumatic accident understands how overwhelming medical bills can be. This is particularly true if you do not have health insurance, […]

During the holiday season most people tend to set their finanical troubles aside with a promise to themselves that they will “do better” in the new year. Even so, with each gift you buy, […]

If you are past due on your mortgage payments and you are worried about losing your home in a foreclosure action, it is important to consider all of your debt relief options. Filing bankruptcy […]

One of the biggest concerns debtors have when filing a personal bankruptcy is how it will impact their credit score. Contrary to what most people believe, it does not destroy your credit forever. Once […]

Although many people file bankruptcy each year, most do not want others to know about it. If worrying about other people finding about your filing is preventing you from obtaining the debt relief you […]

If you are considering filing a personal bankruptcy case, you may be worried about whether you can keep your vehicle. The answer depends upon your individual situation and what type of case you file. […]

Most people are aware that bankruptcy can provide debt relief, but many don’t think it is the right time for them to file. There is no magic equation to apply to your circumstances to […]

The two most common types of bankruptcy filed by individuals are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. However, many people do not know the differences between these two types of filings and which type of […]