If your refund amount is different than stated on the filed tax return, part or all of your refund may have been used to pay off (offset) past-due federal tax, student loans, state income […]
From the tax refund Tag
All or part of your refund may have been used (offset) to pay off past-due federal tax, state income tax, state unemployment compensation debts, child support, spousal support, or other federal non-tax debts, such […]
You can just pay the difference. When you’re entitled to a refund, the IRS will first check to see if there are any amounts due for prior years and apply the refund to those […]
During this upcoming tax season, we are hosting a Tax FAQ series on the blog to answer many of the frequently asked tax questions we consistently receive from our small business owning clientele. We […]

Business taxes are governed by a large volume of tax codes, rules, regulations and procedures. Knowing the ins and outs of these various requirements can make the difference between a tax refund or a […]
This recently came from the IRS. While I don’t completely agree with everything (particularly with item #4 because it could increase the audit risk in some cases), it is pretty sound advice overall. Ten […]