Deciding to close your business is a difficult decision. Once you have decided to dissolve your company, it is important to follow the proper procedures. You can’t just hang out a “closed” sign and […]
From the 'Business' Category:

Most start-up businesses choose to operate as either a corporation or as a limited liability company (LLC) because they offer limited personal liability for the entity’s business debts. Once you have selected how to […]

Starting your own business could lead to the financial freedom you have desired all your life, but it is a risky move. If the business is not a success, it usually makes a mess […]

You might be surprised to learn that small business owners are using online lenders for their credit needs. In fact, a survey conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that one […]

Deciding to sell your business can be difficult and exciting at the same time. Not only are you emotionally tied to your business, but the sale of it can be complicated because you must […]

If you are considering buying a business, you should be aware that it can carry significant tax implications. Thus, before you execute the purchase agreement, you should have one of our knowledgeable business attorneys […]

One of the benefits of forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) for your business is the flexibility it offers its members. Compared to other types of incorporated entities, the formal requirements required for a […]

Hopefully you have read our two prior blogs in this three-part series discussing the legal documents commonly used in purchasing or selling a business. Below is a brief description of the last six documents […]

Hopefully you have read our prior blog that is the first in a three-part series discussing the legal documents commonly used in purchasing or selling a business. Below is a brief description of the […]

Hopefully you have read our blog titled “Buying a Small Business” for an understanding of the two primary types of sales that occur when purchasing an Arizona business. There are 14 legal documents that […]