In a recent announcement, the IRS noted that it will only allow up to three electronic direct deposits to a single account for tax year 2015. Citing identity theft as the primary motivator, the […]
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It is crucial for employers to correctly categorize service providers as employees or independent contractors. It’s especially true for small businesses because they don’t often have the systems in place to correctly determine if […]

In these modern times a dual income family is the norm. When a dual income family also has children, it’s necessary to get some kind of care for those children so both parents can work full […]

The purpose of the foreign tax credits is to allow U.S. taxpayers to avoid double taxation on income that is taxed both by the United States and a foreign government. Note that any foreign […]

Most everyone seeks to conserve energy and use it wisely. There are a number of provisions in the Internal Revenue Code that encourage individuals to be energy smart. Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit […]

Generally, a statute of limitations is a law that limits the time a legal proceeding, or act allowed under a law, can be initiated. Think of it as a way of legal housecleaning – […]

If you are a new parent through adoption, then please accept our heartfelt congratulations. And better yet, did you know the Internal Revenue Code provides for a tax credit, or an exclusion from taxable […]

Ever wonder what the chances of winning in an IRS Audit might be? With 1 in 100 taxpayers being selected for an audit, there’s a small chance you’ll find out. But it you’re just […]

The IRS has clarified its rules regarding when an IRS contractor may receive material on behalf of the IRS that was produced in response to an IRS summons. The IRS has amended its […]

A Federal appeals court recently upheld a case where a Florida taxpayer (Mr. Carl R. Zwerner) was assessed a penalty equal to 150% of the value of the foreign accounts that he should have […]