If you have a question you would like featured on the blog, email [email protected] Funds from any retirement account may be withdrawn early without a penalty if certain exceptions apply (like $10K for a […]
From the tax tips Tag
There’s an important, but subtle difference between a Pass-Through entity and a Disregarded entity. An entity that has been organized under the laws of its applicable state can elect to be “disregarded” for tax […]
If you have a question you would like featured on our TAX FAQ series, please email [email protected]. First, you should be aware that in 2018 the laws associated with dependents and related deductions changed […]
If you have a question you would like featured on our TAX FAQ series, please email [email protected]. A: If you owe federal tax, the IRS offers many easy ways to pay. Make sure you […]
Q: How do I figure out my estimated tax payments? Estimating taxes begins with estimating your income. Look at all potential sources of income you expect to receive during the year. Then determine all […]
Q: Should I lease or purchase a vehicle? A: Do what makes the most sense for your business. There are lots of strategies, regulations and analyses involving the acquisition and depreciation of vehicles, but […]

The Revenue Code generally requires that taxpayers depreciate the costs of durable goods and equipment over the life of the item. Because it is a durable good, the IRS would say that a $10 […]

Year-end is approaching and now’s a great time to take a few fine-tuning steps to improve your tax situation. But be careful – many end-of-year tax planning “tips” really amount to giving away your […]

A taxpayer in California received a letter early this year notifying them that their 2013 tax return was being examined – but they hadn’t yet even filed their 2013 return. An Arizona couple was […]