When most people think about the kinds of issues that can arise with paying taxes, being unable to pay the amount due or being the subject of an audit most frequently come to mind. […]
From the taxes Tag
Planning for income taxes in the middle of the summer, or while on vacation is not on the top of anyone’s to-do list. But, doing so can save you a lot of headache and […]
Issues surrounding healthcare seem to be everywhere, with many employers increasing the employee portion of coverage and people looking for alternative options in light of these increases. There have also been instances where people […]
Investing in your future or planning for retirement by purchasing stocks and other securities is a common strategy. It is also common that you might need to trade these stocks arises before you are […]
With the recent economic instability in the country, many children are living at home longer than in previous years. As kids graduate high school and enter college, several are opting to live at home […]
All it takes is a quick glance at your Facebook or Twitter feed to know that we are a nation obsessed with eating. There seem to be endless posts of gourmet meals, tips on […]
In the early 1990’s, toy company Ty Warner, Inc. began producing tiny stuffed animals known as beanie babies. The product’s popularity quickly took off, and the toys became an instant collector’s item. The company […]
As advances in technology are continually made, there will always be those that look for ways to profit. In today’s society, most children and young adults have never heard of or seen a rotary […]
It is not common to hear a presidential hopeful “vow to raise taxes”, because paying more taxes is not on the top of most voter’s list of priorities. However, that is exactly what Hillary […]
There is nothing worse than working hard all year, having taxes withheld from your paycheck, and then finding out you still owe Uncle Sam come April. Taxes seem to be one of the most […]