Owing taxes is stressful, especially if you are unable to pay what is due. For those that find themselves in the unenviable position of owing Uncle Sam every April 15th, a little known secret […]
From the taxes Tag

The end of the year seems to be the busiest time for most Americans. After Thanksgiving ends, the Christmas and Hanukah holidays begin and before you know it a new year has started. At […]

Dissolving a marriage can create a ripple of tax consequences for both spouses. Filing your tax returns after a divorce, or even a separation, may be trickier than it was when you were married. […]

You can take a distribution from your 401(k) without penalty only if you leave employment or the plan terminates, you turn 59 ½ years old, or you qualify for a hardship withdrawal. The penalty […]

Most U.S. taxpayers, at some point in time, have probably felt that the amount of taxes they were required to pay was unfair. The people at WalletHub recently conducted a survey of 1,050 Americans […]

People all over the country are receiving calls from scam artists posing as IRS agents attempting to collect delinquent taxes. The level of deception goes fairly deep and is fairly complex. The imposters are […]

Workers’ compensation and disability insurance both pay in the event of a debilitating injury, so it is easy to think of them as the same thing. But they differ in several very important ways, […]

The U.S. continues its aggressive pursuit of unreported income from foreign bank accounts. But in one Swiss case it did not involve a U.S. taxpayer. Rather it involved a former UBS banker, Martin Lack, […]