Deciding to close your business is a difficult decision. Once you have decided to dissolve your company, it is important to follow the proper procedures. You can’t just hang out a “closed” sign and […]
From the May, 2015

For most, saving money on taxes is a must, because the financial burden created by having to pay in more than what has already been held out all year long through pay check withholding […]

With the busy tax season coming to an end, most Americans have filed their return and either received a refund or made payment arrangements for a tax liability. If you are among those unlucky […]

One sure way to know important political races are just around the corner is that the news is full of stories about the candidates, money, and taxes. In recent weeks Hillary Clinton has been […]

Arizona has several tax credits available to its citizens. Many Arizonans could reduce their state tax liability dollar for dollar if they took advantage of the credit opportunities. The list below shows each of […]

Paying taxes is no one’s idea of a good time. Unfortunately, writing a check to Uncle Sam every April 15th is the price we all pay for living the “American Dream”. When everyday people […]

You may have heard of 529 Plans or College Savings plans. They’re a good way to put money aside for future college expenses for children, nieces & nephews, spouses, or other family members and […]

Most start-up businesses choose to operate as either a corporation or as a limited liability company (LLC) because they offer limited personal liability for the entity’s business debts. Once you have selected how to […]

Starting your own business could lead to the financial freedom you have desired all your life, but it is a risky move. If the business is not a success, it usually makes a mess […]

You’ve probably heard the term and maybe even wondered if it would be worth looking into. But then dismissed it thinking it would be too expensive – that’s why only the rich folks do […]