Congress finally reached agreement on spending. Republicans and Democrats have been wrangling for some time to reach consensus on how the government would be funded in 2014. The 4th quarter shut-down highlighted the deep […]

The Debt Forgiveness Act, originally passed by Congress in 2007 to give tax relief to homeowners who lost their homes to short sale or foreclosure, expired on New Year’s Day 2014. As a result, […]

The holiday celebrations are now done, 2014 is here and it’s time to make sure all the tax related items are properly addressed…but what are they? Here’s a list of five key items to […]

The IRS will begin accepting paper and electronic tax returns on January 20, 2015 for the 2014 tax year. Until recently, it was uncertain whether or not this would be delayed into late January […]

As the Holiday season reaches full swing and the Tax Year draws to a close, thoughts often turn to more cheerful thoughts than taxes. But now is the time to make last minute adjustments […]
So you found the Bankruptcy Court and now you are waiting to talk to the Trustee for your 341 meeting. Who is the Trustee? There are several different Chapter 7 Trustees in Maricopa […]

The IRS recently announced the new mileage rates for 2014: 56 cents per mile for business miles driven 23.5 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes 14 cents per mile driven in […]

Tax credits and deductions have become an important part of the tax code and a significant benefit to many tax payers. Some credits, like the investment credit for business in American Samoa, are rarely […]

In the 1950’s and 1960’s debt collection was like the old wild west – no rules, and whoever had the fastest gun won, usually to the detriment of the consumer. In many cases, consumers […]

If you’re selling your primary residence, here are a few things to keep in mind. If you lived in your home for at least two of the last five years, and make a profit […]