Two prominent Phoenix businessmen were sentenced to 10 months in prison for failing to report over $8 million they controlled in Swiss bank accounts. According to trial evidence, the businessmen filed false tax returns […]

Late filing penalties are assessed by the IRS any time you file a return later than the specified deadline. And while it’s possible to have these waived if you can show “reasonable cause,” the […]

Pretty much everyone has a credit report and most are used to determine credit worthiness for various types of loans. But a surprising one in four reports contain some type of error according to […]

No matter how careful we are with taxes, the threat of an audit seems to lurk like a bad dream in the recesses of taxpayers minds. But how likely is an audit. Well, here’s […]

The IRS just released the 2014 tax filing season statistics and the biggest news is that both the number and amount of refunds are up. While there are still a few months to the […]

Thanks to a federal judge in St. Louis on February 6, 2014, automobile drivers still have the right to warn each other about approaching speed traps by flashing their lights. Michael Elli received a […]

There are several advantages to filing your own tax return. If you’re not already, you’ll definitely become intimately aware of the financial details of the last year. You’ll know every number and have a […]

If you owe the IRS, you have options. There are lots of programs, lots of new arrangements and lots of strategies to address it. And the options range from some provided by the IRS […]

The economic tsunami devastated your portfolio of investments and you were pushed into seeking bankruptcy protection. The credit score you were so proud of plunged from the low 800’s or high 700’s down to […]

The U.S.A. has some of the most complicated tax laws in the world. But it’s not likely you’ll be able to get much help interpreting them from the IRS. In 2014, the IRS will […]