Mark December 7, 2016 on your calendar as the beginning of Tax Reform! It’s likely a date that slipped by pretty much everyone but I’m saying it’s the beginning of a continuing series of […]

The Revenue Code generally requires that taxpayers depreciate the costs of durable goods and equipment over the life of the item. Because it is a durable good, the IRS would say that a $10 […]

With the election of Donald J. Trump as the next President, and both House and Senate now in control of Republican hands, a tax reform bill has a very real chance of becoming law. […]

How about some good news associated with taxes? Here’s the scenario – you decide to pull funds out of a retirement account so you can put them in a new one (reasons to do […]

We’ve reported several times in the past about the ongoing cuts to the IRS budget – now at just under $11 Billion. A new report released earlier this month by the Treasury Inspector General […]
Arizona’s Legislature has once again approved a tax amnesty program – if you owe taxes to the state of Arizona for just about any reason, you may be able to cut a deal and […]

EFTPS is the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System. Individuals and businesses can use EFTPS to make payments on their taxes electronically. It is the only electronic system available to make payments to the US […]

For the past few years the IRS seems to constantly find itself on the negative side of national press. Most recently the US House of Representatives has entertained the possibility of impeaching IRS Commissioner […]

Our office has received numerous reports of the following: Someone calls, identifies themselves as an IRS Agent, tells you that a lawsuit has been filed and that local authorities will be sent to your […]

One of the fundamental concepts of a trust is control; control over how the trust assets are used and for what purpose. But no control can be exercised unless assets are transferred to the […]